Supporting Early Language Development


This is a school improvement course, focused on ensuring the very best outcomes in early language development

What’s the big deal about early language?

  • Language at age 5 is the single most important factor in influencing literacy levels at age 11.
  • Early language skills at five are linked with employment outcomes at age 34.
  • Spoken language skills are important in building and maintaining relationships, understanding and expressing feelings and emotions – and problem solving.
  • Early language ability at two years predicts later emotional and behavioural ability
  • Good language at seven predicts better quality friendships at 16 years.

Key Aims

For the purposes of this programme, we will concentrate on the classroom/school environment, with a focus on providing:

  • An understanding of a working model of language through which to observe children’s language development through the primary years, and beyond.
  • An understanding of the stages of ‘typical’ language development concentrating on the expected milestones that occur during primary years (ages 4 to 11).
  • Practical classroom skills and techniques for quality first teaching in YR and KS1 that will create skilled and confident classroom practitioners and improve outcomes for all children.
  • Ways and tools to identify children who may not be developing language skills as expected and ways to support those children in class.

Sessions - all sessions will be held at Lacey Green Conference centre (SK9 4DP). All sessions are free of charge.

1. What is language and how it is developed?

Wednesday 1st November 1:30pm-4pm

2. Supporting Talk in School.

Wednesday 13th December 1:30pm-4pm

3. Teaching words and making them stick.

Wednesday 7th February 1:30pm-4pm

4. Identifying and Supporting SLCN.

Wednesday 20th March 1:30pm-4pm

5. Making Change: Sustaining Change.

Wednesday 22nd May 1:30pm-4pm

6. Sharing the School Improvement Journey.

Wednesday 10th July 1:30pm-4pm


Who is this aimed at?

  • Primary target is Early Years leadership including Head Teacher, EY Phase Lead – plus one other depending on size of school.
  • SENDCo is also suggested for some sessions.
  • Focus will primarily be on Reception but refer to all Early Years teachers.
  • 2-3 people to attend from each school, taking responsibility for appropriate cascading of training through their school.

Book here or for further information, contact Kerri Hall or Cherry Chow:


Files to Download


“We both felt the time and effort that your brilliant team went to, provided an experience that far exceeded our expectations. We both look forward to working with you again soon”.

Headteacher- Stockport

“Thank you for a fabulous day, it was informative and thought provoking. The demonstrations were particularly helpful in phonics and the guided Reading ”.

Phonics Lead- Tameside

“I would like to thank all concerned for the day on Friday, because not only was it well-organised and full of useful information, but everyone from Lacey Green was very open to supporting those of us attending the course, readily offering advice and listening to our thoughts. This made the day extremely useful and enjoyable”.

Headteacher- Cheshire East

“Thank you for allowing us to attend your showcase on Friday. It was very useful and gave us lots of food for thought!”

Deputy Headteacher- St Helens

“The support we have received from Lacey Green English Hub has been invaluable. We now have a very strong team of reading teachers who love teaching phonics. The impact it has had on our children has been amazing and this year we've got the best phonics score we have ever had. We can't thank you enough.”.

Assistant Headteacher and Reading Leader- Stockport

“We have benefitted tremendously from the support of the Lacey Green English Hub in many ways. I have been upskilled as a Reading Leader and feel confident to deliver quality practice sessions and coach in RWI lessons. Our staff are very welcoming to coaching and are keen to improve with the coaching steps they have worked on. I am able to scrutinise our phonics data to ensure that we are targeting specific children and groups of children for extra support so that they keep up with their peers. Since working with the English Hub we have seen a 23% increase in our Phonics Screening Check data.”

Reading and EYFS Lead- Cheshire


Contact us

Lacey Green English Hub

Barlow Road,
Cheshire, SK9 4DP